Hjälp! Grundläggande Utrustning på Kungspyton (Basic Equipment for Ballpython)

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Förlåt på engelska, men jag kan inte prata mycket svenska :) 

I have recently moved to Sweden and can now finally fulfill my long dream of owning a Ballpython. It would be my first snake, so I did a lot of research back in my home country as well as in the english "reptile bubble". However, now that I live in Sweden (Kronobergs Län) I am having issues finding good petshops/online stores to buy basic equipment from. I am especially having issues finding an appropriately sized tank/terrarium for my future snake, something around 150x60x60cm. Additonally, I am on the lookout for nice bedding, decoration & heating elements etc. So far, I have only found a single site that sells reptile equipment - however it was really expensive. Due to me being a student, I do not have an incredibly strenuous budget and am looking for quality at a somewhat affordable price point. Would any of you be able to recommend (preferably) a petshop in Kronobergs Län or different websites, where I could possibly purchase those basic equipment from? If there are any second hand websites, I would be willing to try those too!

Thank you so much for the help in advance 
Ha en bra dag! :)

Basic, hmm everything cost money and if you can't buy everything you need to the ball python, i recommended you will not buy any reptile until you got money first even if you could buy second hand, it will be costly, nothing is cheap anymore Sweden is very expensive 


Insecta skrev:
Basic, hmm everything cost money and if you can't buy everything you need to the ball python, i recommended you will not buy any reptile until you got money first even if you could buy second hand, it will be costly, nothing is cheap anymore Sweden is very expensive 

Hej, i am aware that is costs money obviously. However, that is not the issue at hand here. I am definitely able to afford everything, otherwise I would not even consider getting a snake to begin with. I just do not want to spend tons of money on a new enclosure etc. and pay double of what I could be paying if I had known better places to source from. 

Medlem i SHF, SmHF

I would recommend checking the market place here for second hand items. Terrariums can be expensive new, but you might be able to find some cheaper second hand.
It's also usually much cheaper buying on expos. There's one upcoming expo in Malmö on the 26th of august. 

There atleast used to be a seller of cheap glas terrariums often visiting the expos in Sweden. Not sure if they are still around due to the owner passing. 

or Tropical Factory:


Glas terrariums without aluminium frame are usually much cheaper.

You can also get a terrarium from terrariebyggarna.com/

As you're living in Kronoberg, I can also recommend the Herpetological Society "Smålands Herpetologiska Förening" (smhf-herp.se) if you wish to find people with similar interest.

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