Looking for help regarding CITES documents and Jordbruksverket

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Hi there. I'm trying to understand the import laws regarding CITES B animals into Sweden and I'm having trouble understanding Jordbruksverket's information on the topic. I'm hoping someone could help me out. 

I live in Sweden and wish to import a CITES B animal. The breeder can provide the necessary papers. What I'm confused about is what information Jordbruksverket needs from me about the animal and the import. Can I just have an animal shipped here (from another EU country) or do I need to announce/request permission for an import from Jordbruksverket? Do I need to register the animal with them once it arrives in Sweden? I've tried reading up on their website, but my swedish is failing me. 

Any answers are very very appreciated!

From another EU country you will not need any announce, request or permission. One of the basic ideas with EU is a common market with free flow of goods. A product that is legal in one country should be legal to send, to another. There are a few exceptions that falls under health and safety regulations, but reptiler is not part of that. At least if you are not importing poisonous snakes to Denmark.

You will need correct papers for your animals. But that is the same in all countries and has nothing to do with crossing borders.


As Tropfrog said, for B-listed animals from within the EU, you do not need a permit or any kind of registration. However, you do need breeding papers which confirm the origin of the animal.

"Om du ska sälja eller köpa exemplar som innehåller någon eller några B-listade arter ska dokument som visar exemplarets lagliga bakgrund följa med vid köpet. Både säljare och köpare har ansvar att tänka på detta. Dokument som visar laglig bakgrund kan till exempel vara kopia på import­tillstånd eller ett dokument från inköps­stället eller uppfödaren, där den lagliga bakgrunden tydligt bekräftas. Enbart ett inköps­kvitto är inte tillräckligt. Du som köper ska kontrollera dokumenten och det är viktigt att du sparar dem, för om du någon gång kommer att sälja exemplaret är det du som säljare som måste skicka med dessa papper till nästa ägare. Utan dokument som visar exemplarets lagliga bakgrund är handel förbjuden."

Thank you both so much for your answers! That clears things up :)
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